| Differential and Integral Calculus Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering Lectures 15 h, Practices 15 h Lists of Tasks:
Useful Formulas:
Lecture Topics: 1. Definite Integral and its Applications; 2. Basic Properties of n-dimensional Euclidean Space; 3.
Derivatives, Gradient, Total Differential, Directional Derivative, Tangent Plane; 4.
Higher Order Derivatives, Hessian Matrix; 5.
Differential Calculus for Vector Valued Functions, Jacobian Matrix; 6.
of Several Variable Function and Its Applications; 7. Introduction and First Definitions on Ordinary Differential Equations; 8. First Order Differential Equations (Separable Equations, Linear Nonhomogeneous Equations); 9. Higher Order Linear Equations (Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients and Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations, Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Method of Variation of Parameters, Linear Independence and the Wronskian).
Graphic Software: Bibligraphy
1.1. E. Zakon,
Mathematical Analysis I, The Trillia Group, 2004
2.2. B. S.
Schroder, Mathematical
Analysis: A Concise Introduction, JohnWiley&Sons,2008
3. 3.G.M. Fichtenholz, Course
in the Differential and Integral Calculus vol. I, II, III, Nauka, Moscow,
B. Sikora, E. Łobos, A First Course in Calculus, Wydawnictwo
Politechniki ¦l±skiej.